Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vagina Monologues

I posted a video recently on Youtube about my successful attempt at getting my college to include the transgender monologue in this years productions of the Vagina Monologues in April.
The video was my attempt at a apology for going to the reading/tryouts with a agenda to sway them to include the trans monologue. I read a portion of the monologue The Flood for the tryouts. I am all about inclusion for all and especially for woman. Happening to be one it would be silly of me not to be dont you think?,,hehe.
I at the least wanted to help coach a younger girl to perform the part. I ended up getting the part last sunday nite. I argued that I could better support another girl but the director insisted that I did the part. She felt I would bring more to the piece because of whom I am. Well I prolly would loose that argument if I decided someone born with a vagina would be better at understanding the transgendered experience. Besides I never was comfy with the movie Transamerica and the fact that they used a genetic actress to play the part. It just didnt sit right with me ever. Even though they did a nice job trying to tell our story from just one persons experience. Well I didn't like the story line either. It was just to sensationalism Hollywood for me. But then my life is rather boring and couldn't sell a ticket in a theater,,roflmao. I thought how would I ever memorize it all after I opened the email with the script. The original reading was by Calpernia Addams, Andrea James and Lesley Townsend. The monologue is written closely along her real life story. Well, We had our cast run through in the order it will be done on stage. It was an interesting mix that covered the entire gambit of human feelings from the female perspective. From laughs to tears,,we were all moved and the seriousness of what we were going to do was felt by all in the room.
I practiced my lines over and over when I had time in the car or was alone in my home. It actually started to sink in and the lines came naturally from my mouth. I was totally amazed,,it was if I had a microchip placed in my grey matter someplace and it was responding to some hidden stimuli. I was somewhat prepared for that first run through and actually the words flowed smoothly out of my mouth as did all the body language and emotions that followed. I read serious pieces while looking some of the girls randomly in the eyes. My inflection to the piece moved me to near tears. After the meeting was over and the director and a few girls remained we chattered about how exciting it was that we were launched. The director smiled at me and said, Jenna you were awesome with the part. I smiled and told her the words seem to be sinking into my head. I thanked her and a few other girls when the shared that they welled up with tears. I said, It really wasn't acting but just the reality of who I am being exposed so it was all natural. I sat with a black girl who was beautiful by the way and we talked quietly for a long while and she told me I was the first transwoman she had ever met and she was glad to meet me. We chatted about anything and everything trying to bring each of us closer to the other. Lol,,,we were successful,,haha.
I hope the bonds that were formed in that room that first night will be repeated throughout the production and we sway and change minds when we go on stage to spill it all out to the audience.

1 comment:

alan said...

"I hope the bonds that were formed in that room that first night will be repeated throughout the production and we sway and change minds when we go on stage to spill it all out to the audience."

I don't know how you cannot...the words coming from your heart will do exactly that, just as they already have!

And just in case you wondered, your courage and your beauty, inside and out, are just some of the many reasons I've come to care so much for you!
